This is release 1.36 of the Chicago email FAQ, last updated 04/16/95.

This is a listing of Chicago area sites that offer email accounts for
new users, and uucp/highspeed news and mail accounts for new machines,
maintained by and published bimonthly in
chi.mail.  This list includes only sites accepting new accounts.  If you 
would like your site to be included or to update this information please 

If you have access to the 'gopher' internet information retreival program,
you may obtain the latest versions of this document and other helpful 
Chicago area internet provider lists.  From the unix command line type:
'gopher, or as a link from a WWW client (World Wide Web 
or Mosaic) type: URL: gopher://  This list
may also be retreived/stored under various other URL's, but this one I
know works.

This listing is organized by County and includes a special section for the
City of Chicago.  Each site entry contains:

	1) Site name  eg:
	2) Address to which you can send mail for more information,
	3) Voice phone number you can call for more information
	4) Data number you can call if the site accepts public logins
		or has a script that will accept new users. Note that
		most sites have many numbers; the main one is listed
		so you may determine how expensive the call will be.
	5) Services field: a character for each of (M)ail, Usenet (N)ews,
		(I)nternet "live" connection, (D)ownloadable programs,
		(U)ucp mail & newsfeeds, (S)LIP mail & newsfeeds, and 
		(L)eased lines available. The first 4 of these (MNID) 
		apply to new individual accounts and the last 3 (USL) 
		apply to new connections for machines.  The first 4 mean
		that you will need to establish an account on a machine at
		that site and dial in to that site to use your account.
		The last 3 mean that you can connect your computer to that 
		site to transfer files (uucp) or to directly access the 
		internet on a temporary (slip/ppp) or permanant (leased) basis.
		The "F", "$" and "-" represent (F)ree service, ($) charge
		service and (-) unavailable service at this site. A "?"
		means my information is incomplete.
	6) Modem field: (1)=1200, (2)=2400, (9)=9600 V.32, (4)=14400 V.32/
		V.42 bis, (H)=USRobotics HST Protocol, (P)=Telebit PEP
		Protocol, (F)=V.34/V.FC "Terbo", (S)=Site may be reached
		via ISDN, (I)=Site has a live Internet connection
	7) Operating system environment (Unix, BBS, Amiga, VMS, etc)

For the services field the (M)ail flag means that the site offers a type of
account that can send and receive plain text email messages with addresses 
of the form  username@sitename.domain  and display these to you. No other 
utility (such as word processing or uuencoding) is required for this flag.

For the services and modem fields the (I)nternet flag means that this site
has a permanently configured 56K (or faster) dedicated line connection to
its internet provider, or that the company is an internet service provider.

Site            Info    Voice           Data          Service Modems    OS
Name            Address Phone           Phone         MNIDUSL 1294HPFSI Type
--------------- ------- --------------- ------------- ------- --------- ----
                               City Of Chicago
                               ===============         info    312-BIT-UNIX    312-248-0900  F$$$$$$ 1294-PFSI Unix    squid   Private         312-637-5659  F$-$--- 1294--F-- BBS    sysop   Private         312-868-1681  FF-FF-- 1294----- BBS     support 312-889-7724    312-889-5396  $$$$??? -294--??I Unix help    800-967-1580    708-671-0237* $$$$$$$ 1294--F?I Unix help    800-967-1580    312-705-6633  $$$$$$$ 1294--F?I Unix       info    312-477-6210    312-665-0065  FF$F-?? 1294--??I Unix      info    312-850-0181    312-850-0112  $$$$-$$ 1294H-F-I Unix         info    708-367-1870    312-233-9990  $$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix         info    708-367-1870    312-282-8605  $$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix
   *in city of Chicago but served from Schiller Park phone switch
                         Cook County outside Chicago
                         ===========================         info    708-413-8400    708-413-1111  $$$$$$$ 1294--FSI Unix info    800-967-1580    708-498-3960  $$$$$$$ 1294--??I Unix info    800-967-1580    708-532-9472  $$$$$$$ 1294---?I Unix info    800-967-1580    708-885-3123  $$$$$$$ 1294---?I Unix         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-385-0997  F$$$$$$ 1294-PF-I Unix         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-413-8450  F$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-465-0990  F$$$$$$ 1294-PF-I Unix      info    708-299-1291    708-299-0687  FF-F--- 1294H-F-- BBS mithelen 708-579-1314   708-352-0948  FF-F$-- 1294----- Unix  postmaster 708-776-0286    Private       ---FF-- --94-P--- Unix nichols 708-940-9000 Private    ----F-- -29--P--I Unix        info    708-983-6064    708-882-1101  F$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix sysop  Private         708-491-9036  FF----- 1294----- BBS
                                DuPage County
                                ============= ken     708-983-5240    708-983-5147  $$$$$-$ 1294HP??I Unix info    800-967-1580    708-716-6633  $$$$$$$ 1294--F?I Unix         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-637-0900  F$$$$$$ 1294-PF-I Unix         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-617-4300  F$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix blair 708-527-8899    Private       ----F-- 1294-P--- Unix ken    708-983-5240    708-983-6693  $--$$-- 1294HP--- Unix info    708-833-8122    708-833-8126  FF--$-- 1294--F-- Unix         info    708-367-1870    708-620-4064  $$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix        info    708-983-6064    708-983-6435  F$$$$$$ 1294-PF-I Unix
                                 Kane County
                                 ===========         info    312-BIT-UNIX    708-262-0900  F$$$$$$ 1294-PF-I Unix info    708-513-6921    708-513-6922  $--F?-- 1294-P--- Unix info 708-840-8043    708-208-5980  $F-F?-- 1294----- BBS
                             Lake County, Illinois
                             ===================== info  708-487-5464    708-487-9727  FF--F-- 1294----- Unix         info    708-367-1870    708-367-1871  $$$$$$$ 1294--F-I Unix
                             Lake County, Indiana
                                  Will County
                                  ===========  n9bh    Private         815-436-7181  F---?-- 129-----  Unix

Telephone Information:

Chicago area local telephone service is provided by Ameritech and Centel.
There are no "free" calls included with residential phone service. Calls
within an (aproximate) 8 mile radius are untimed and cost about a nickel.
Timed rates apply to calls in 8-15 mile, 15-40 mile and greater than 40
mile zones in the Northeast Illinois LATA. 

Domain Address Information:

Electronic mail addresses of the form "username@sitename.domain" or
"username@subdomain.subdomain.domain" are known as Fully Qualified 
Domain Names.  The use of FQDN's means that your mail will be routed 
correctly and directly as soon as it reaches a smart host or internet 
site.  Generally speaking, bang-path addressing (sitename!site2!site3!user) 
can be counted on to work only on locally connected networks or short 
hop uucp paths.  Please use a domain style address when mailing to one 
of the sites above from outside the Chicago area. Domain Information:

Many of the sites listed above are members of the mail domain,
the email project of Uniforum Chicago, often referred to as the Clout
Project.  This is administered by a group of volunteer computer professionals.
Joining this (or any) domain will allow your computer site to use internet 
style addressing, but you must still arrange a uucp, SLIP or similar
connection between your machine and an internet host.  For information about 
the Clout Project email to  For information about
uucp connections and internet hosts email the addresses listed above. More
current info on the Clout Project is available on the Clout home page:

Doug  _           _  _             _    Doug Blair
|   || |_  ___  _| ||_| ___  __  _| |_
| | ||  .\/ ._\/.  || |/ ._\|  \|_   _| 200 East Fifth Avenue #352
|___||___/\___/\___||_|\___/|_|_| |_|   Naperville, Illinois 60563